Dallas Lorimer, Advertising and Marketing Communications Student

I noticed you’re wearing make-up. Do you think make-up for men is going to become more commonplace in society
I work for a company that’s promoting that. It’s something that hasn’t been inclusive for a long time but it’sbecoming more commonly used in the LGBT community.
Do you think it gives men a sense of empowerment?
I find it does. The first time I wore lipstick when I was 15 it really transformed my perception of my sexuality and made me see me as someone to be admired.
What do you think is the future of make-up for the male demographic outside of the LGBT community?
Well the whole idea of metrosexuality is an outdated term but now more and more men are becoming more comfortable with the way they look and are starting to take care of themselves, so I think once men start realizing that they can feel beautiful too it may precipatate the potential of men wearing make-up.
Instagram: @dallasff9f00