Finnoula Hughes, Activist
How are you feeling today? This is my first year out as trans at Pride so I’m just feeling independent and incredible Did you get

Brian Schorr, College Professor
What inspired this look today? Is this how you normally dress or is this just for Gay Pride? Gay pride is like “our” Halloween. It’s

Victoria Johnson, Assistant Art Director
Are you visiting New York? Yes, from London How would you compare the vibe here in NYC to London? It’s quite similar. City life and

Sierra Cortner, Social Media Marketing
So, I’m guessing purple is your favorite color? What significance does the color purple have to you? It’s not my favorite color but I recently

Dana Nehdaran, Painter
What’s something you consider “cool” and how would you classify what cool is? Someone who’s outgoing, laid back, and a smooth talker Would you call

Rameet Chawla, Farmer
Can you tell me a little bit about your role as a farmer. What exactly do you do? Do you own land or animals? I

Amy van Doran, Matchmaker
So as a matchmaker, how would you say one finds compatibility in someone else? I think it’s good to start with having a shared value

Nima Veiseh, Painter
How does your fashion and style reflect who you are as an artist? I’m the founder of a clothing company called “Dress Abstract”, which is

Pajtim Osmanaj, Artist
What colors do you like to wear? I go to both extremes. I’m either super shiny like I’m dressed today. A lot of the times

Blair Quinn, Dancer/Artist/Designer
How would you categorize your style and how does it reflect who you are? My style is very “real”. It represents my feelings and my

Dennis Carroll, Photographer and Painter
What do you photograph? I go to a lot of state sales and flea markets and I take pictures of people’s stuff that they’ve been

Angelik Vizcarrondo-Laboy, Curator
As a curator, what kind of artists do you try to find? At art fairs you can get pretty overwhelmed. So I’m looking for something

Val Monrose, Project Manager
What causes are most important to you and why? Sustainability because there’s only one planet. I do birth photography so I travel around the world seeing the

Stacy Martin, Artist
How would you say your art influences your style? Well my interests are in science and so I think I often use a lot nature-influenced

Anastasia Gudko, Art Management
Tell me a little bit about what you do as an art manager. Basically, I do administrative work for artists so they can focus on

Pola Esther, Photographer
So what kind of stuff do you photographer? Mostly people, but sometimes also plants, flowers, vegetables. But most of the time, there is always some

Rania Cornelia, Art Student
You are an artist…why do you paint? I fell in love with painting since I could ever started drawing as a child. It evokes happiness

Eric Fernandez, Armory Show Staff
How would you classify the general crowd of the Armory show this year? It really depends on the day. The morning crowd is different than the

Britt Sager, Art Dealer and Gallerist
Where did you grow up? I grew up in Houston, Texas. What is it like being in New York? I love being in New York.

Stephanie Homa, Artist
What would you say inspires your style and why do you wear all these colors? I’m a color addict, anything bright and colorful inspires what

Nyareeta, Artist
So where are you from? I’m from South Sudan. Can you tell me a little about what it’s like living there? At the moment, there’s

Anna McDonald, Poet
Tell me about your poetry. I write poems about families and cities. Mostly short lyric poems. How does your role as a mom impact your artistry and

Priyana Rikhy, Digital Artist/UI Designer
As a student studying art what’s something you learned that challenges you? Digital art just challenges me in general and that’s why I like working

Ari Shaljian, Artist
What would you say influences your style and where did you get the inspiration for your hair? A: I’ve just always been into vibrant colors

Tucker Robbins, Artist and Activist
Can you tell me a little about the project you’re doing in Puerto Rico to help with earthquake relief and how it relates to art?

Vanessa Low Mendelson, Art Advisor and Real Estate Developer
Is this your first time at the Armory show or have you been here other years? I’ve been coming here, I would say, almost every

Naomi Baigell, Managing Director at Athena Art Finance
As a managing director of an art collective, what would you say makes a good artist? I think being free of mind and spirit and

Phoebe Boswell, Artist
So what would you say inspires your art? Not having a place to go, a sense of trying to find what is “home”, and also

Mark Carrasquillo, Makeup Artist
Is there anyone in particular who influences your style? Michael Clark, he’s a dancer. Are you also a dancer? No, I wish. What would you

Yuan Fang, Artist
What genre of art do you do? Abstract. How would you say you get inspiration for your art? I love modernism and modernistic interior home design.

Erika Hodges, Writer/Performance Artist
What do you write about? Right now I’m writing about intimacy inside of capitalism and how we can transform that into new ways of living.

Capone Noel, Designer
What inspires and influences your style? Definitely right now, eclectic vibes from the 60s and 70s. Where do you think fashion is headed right now?

Eileen Caufield, Model
Where are you from and what do you do? LA and I’m a model So what would you say is culturally different from LA and

Sinjun Strom, Photographer
So what kind of things do you photograph? Things I experience, set designs, clothing I create, etc. How would you classify what is “good” photography?

Jhenelle Hill, Hair and Makeup stylist
You’re a big fashionista…how would you classify your style? Right now I’m sporting the equestrian, Ralph Lauren look. For the winter I love over-the-knee boots.

Kenice Miller, Chef
Knowing you’re a dancer, how would you say movement influences your style? Regardless of what I’m wearing or where I’m going I always want

Abigail Sickinger, Kavista
Can you tell me exactly what you do with Kava?Yes, so I serve Kava which is a plant medicine from the South Pacific islands. It’s

Jessie Salinas, Artist
How as an artist does your style get inspired?I’m pretty open-minded in terms of how I get inspired artistically, there’s a lot of diversity to

Esther Wolf, Painter
What inspires you as an artist? Your style, your colors, etc? I’m very inspired by women’s issues, especially issues that I’ve faced including body focused

Jamie Colder, Musician
So as a musician where do you think the industry is going right now? There’s more authenticity and less about the “image”. It’s about expressing

Ebony Brown, Artist/Designer
How do your paintings influence your designs and fashion line?My painting allow me to develop a bigger scope of color, texture, energy. The colors are

Nova Zef, Rapper
How do you feel like you can represent female rappers today?I feel like I can show other female rappers that it is possible to have

Nadine Olmo, Dancer
What kind of dance do you do?I consider myself a free spirit so that is reflective in my dance style. I do a lot of

Avina-Kei, Lawyer
How do you think we’ve evolved in our understanding and acceptance of “queer”?Rather than an evolution, we’re realizing that there’s more of a spectrum and

Chris Lavish, Fashion Personality
Which fashion lines do you mostly attire yourself in?I mostly wear the clothes of designers I collaborate with. Models should only wear the clothing of

Amber Edge, Make Up Artist
What are some of your favorite makeup brands and why? I used to love NARS but not anymore because they’re no longer animal testing free

Shaolin, Designer
Growing up in the 60s, what are some things that have changed in the fashion world? Everything is a lot more comfortable. But now I

Maeve Laveau, Artist
So coming from London how do you feel like the energy of NYC is different? There’s a hunger here. To always be doing better, to

Nicolina Tyler, Artist
Performance art is the nouveau trend, why do you think this is? Because it brings people together interactively in unusual ways and it makes people

Marta, Student
Being originally from Lithuania what are your thoughts about being a student in NYC? I come from a city as well so it’s not a

Evan Forman, Engineering Student
What’s a fad that you’ve noticed or are trying to keep up with? I don’t really keep up with fads. I just try to follow

Dallas Lorimer, Advertising and Marketing Communications Student
I noticed you’re wearing make-up. Do you think make-up for men is going to become more commonplace in society I work for a company

Alana Sola, Fashion Designer
What would you say the “scene” look is right now? I think it is more eclectic and individualistic mixing different vibes all at once. That

Akeem Duncan, Poet and Publisher
As someone who’s made it in the industry what would you say is good advice for someone looking to get into the creative arts? It

Marquis Maitland, Model
What are the biggest challenges about being in the modeling industry right now? The way you take criticism can really make you feel either empowered

Hannah Deaver, Fashion Executive
As someone working in fashion, what’s the biggest trend you’ve noticed?Mixing high end and low level fashion. People I work with at Saks for example

Gunnar Kortenbach, Artist
What kind of style are you most influenced by? I have a very heavy vintage influence. My family is in the “antiques” so I’ve always

Margeaux Simms, Singer-Songwriter & DJ
Where do you get the inspiration for your style? Other artist’s fashion. Like I love Erykah Badu, I think she’s basically a queen. I love

Paige Esterly, Playwright
Q: As a playwright, what do you think are some pertinent topics that should be addressed on Broadway that are relevant to society right now?A: Hamilton