Britt Sager, Art Dealer and Gallerist

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Houston, Texas.
What is it like being in New York?
I love being in New York. I lived here for seven years and London for five years. I come here every year for the Armory Show and it reminds me of what a wonderful city it is.
Where did you get your fabulous style from and what’s your inspiration?
My inspiration is my grandmother. She was amazing and lived to 101 and everyday, even in her later years, she had matching jewelry to go with all her clothing and she just really had a unique style about her.
What’s your life motto?
It used to be that “everything happens for a reason”, but I met Olivia Steele in Mexico City while I was there for Zonamaco Art Fair and I bought this piece from her that says “Everything I need is inside me”.
How would you feel like that’s relevant to your life: “Everything I need is inside me”?
A lot of people look for external and material things to define them. They yearn for approval and gratification from outside sources. What I realized is that you have to be content with the fact that the person you’re always with is yourself. If you’re happy with yourself other people can detect that.