Sierra Cortner, Social Media Marketing

So, I’m guessing purple is your favorite color? What significance does the color purple have to you?
It’s not my favorite color but I recently bought this sustainable jacket and I love how they match with these pants. They’re very comfortable, especially since we’ve been museum hopping all day for Armory week.
Your style seems like you’re very in tune with your inner child. Would you say that’s true?
For sure. I consider myself a 24 year old child. I try to dress modest and stay youthful. That’s very important to me.
What’s something in your childhood that you miss in adulthood?
A: Definitely the free time and being able to do more fun stuff instead of a strict 9 to 5.
What do you do now?
I work as a content marketer for Spring Place. I run their social media.
What is Spring Place?
It’s a members-only club for people in fashion and other creatives and for people who come to Spring Studios putting on fashion shows each year.
How would you sum up the Armory Show?
It’s a fair for anyone who’s interested in culture. Not just art.
IG: @sierracortner