Eileen Caufield, Model

Where are you from and what do you do?
LA and I’m a model
So what would you say is culturally different from LA and NYC in terms of style?
LA is more casual and conformist and in NYC it’s more about finding style that fits the individual
What kind of modeling do you do?
Runway and print
How do you feel models can make it in the industry? Is it connection based?
Knowing people is important. That’s how you get introduced to agents or their company. It’s not easy.
What do you like about being a model?
I started modeling in college and I like it because it helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle with my diet and helps boost my confidence
What did you major in at college?
Why did you decide to become a model?
Someone once told me I should go into modeling and I realized I wanted to do something that is fun. I think a lot of people do things they hate but I wanted to do something I truly enjoy.
IG: @evileen_cz