Phoebe Boswell, Artist

So what would you say inspires your art?
Not having a place to go, a sense of trying to find what is “home”, and also trying to center and celebrate the stories and voices of people who are often pushed out.
How would you say that relates to your identity?
I am Kenyon and British and I grew up in the Gulf. I live in London, my gallery is in New York, I consequently don’t really know what “home” is, and I’m constantly trying to find or determine my place in the world as a Black woman.
Based on where you’ve lived, what’s your impression of New York and do you feel like you fit in with the culture?
I love New York. I’ve studied here a little bit as an art exchange student years ago and I always say New York is like a lost lover and there’s always this yearning to come back. It’s always overwhelming but at the same time exciting when I’m here.
IG: @phoebe.boswell